Sunday, January 21, 2007

Ingrid: "My birthday cocktail party..."

The only Brooklyn dining experience Liz and I had this weekend was getting take out from Bedouin Tent (it's Atlantic Ave middle eastern yumminess - we love their salads, lamb pitza, pita bread and the service guys flirted with us by treating us to a piece of corn bread seemingly soaked in honey) and Costco (a Red Hook staple of ours where there are also freebie samples that put a smile on Liz's face even w/out the flirting).

The trip to Costco was to prep for my bday cocktail party--missed you, Jessica and Betsy. We, like Jessica, love the Fairway in Red Hook a ton. The perfect Saturday for Liz and me is waking early and hitting the bakery for coffee and pastry as big as my ass, so that we can negotiate the aisles before the baby carriages get backed up... but back to Costco, cuz for parties, Costco is perfect.

We loaded up on pounds of pre-cut veggies, chips and frozen meatballs. With that said, our party special is the meatballs. "It's my mom's secret recipe", is the line I use when people ask for it. Prego pasta sauce (or any for that matter) over Kirkland meatballs. It's a hit every time.

We mixed up a specialty cocktail. It is based on one hell of a good drink we were blessed with at Blue Hill Stone Barn's, Dan Barber's farm based restaurant where they only use seasonal and organic foods. Our house specialty was a vodka infused w/ oats & honey. Scrumptious. I ended the the night feeling as though I was infused with vodka. Success!

by Ingrid

1 comment:

Nick said...

Happy Birthday, Ingrid!! I love those freaking meatballs.